As our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended the lock down time till 3rd May so that we Indians get more safety from the outbreak of Corona Virus in cities. So here is the links of Online EPass Application for the extended lock down state wise.
Need of EPass In lock down
If we see the lock down time it initially started from 22 March 2020 means nearly 30 days.
People are settle in their houses, places on the request of our beloved prime minister Shri Narendra Modi.
So it more than 30 days people have lots of works pending like Courts work, office documents and many other which are important but are on hold as no movement is allowed except the medical emergency.
Now as PM Shri Narendra Modi’s government will allowed some free to people for movement so that people can do their important works only if the administration will find every thing is under control.
Who issues the EPass Online application
The online epass application is provided by the central government bharat sarkar for the medical emergency and essential services only.
Below share links are the official links of the rajya sarkar or kendra sarkar.
You can also check the status of your e-pass online from these links.
Details of Online EPass
EPass Issuing Organisation
Bharat Sarkar or Rajya Sarkar
Service Name
E-Pass or Citizen Movement Pass
Other Name
Curfew Pass
Citizen Movement or Organisation of Essential service Movement
1 Lock Down Period
22 March -14th Apr
2 Lock Down Period
14th Apr – 03rd May
E-Pass Approval
Approved by SDM or ADM
EPass Validity
Valid for 2 days for across district
State Wise Official Online E-Pass Link and Check the status of EPass
Note: Apply E-Pass only for very urgent and necessary services . If found irregular and unnecessary then required action will be taken by state authority.