Bollywood also called as Hindi Cinema or earlier called as Bombay Cinema and popular in India as Indian Cinema, is a Hindi Language based cinema settled in Mumbai Maharashtra. Indian Cinema or Bollywood is world’s largest cinema produces 1986 feature films in 2017. Many part of the world are fan of this Bollywood. Here we are talking about the top and popular war movies of bollywood. War Movies of Bollywood 1: Aakraman Year of release – 1975Director – J. Om PrakashProducer – Jagdish Kumar Budget of the movie – NAEarning of…
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War Movies of Bollywood and Hollywood
This category showing the best and highest-grossing movies of Bollywood and Hollywood. This is also showing the list of all the War or Defense movie releases in India till the time. This shows and attracting all the Defense and war movie lovers of India.
War Movies of Bollywood on real stories like URI: The Surgical Strike
War Movies of Bollywood on India Pakistan wars like 1965, Border, 1971, Ghazi, etc
War Movies of Bollywood Popular in India