Detailed Credit Report Analysis in less than 1 min for FREE
Nowadays all the government banks and private banks are strict in giving loans to the users after the many
defaulters in happened in banks. Top defaulters are like Kingfisher King Vijay Mallya, Diamond King Nirav Modi
, etc. Before giving personal, home loans Banks are checking the detailed credit report analysis in person.
What is Credit Score and why is Required?
Credit score is basically is a rating is just a number which shows lively hood of you paying credit back i.e how
frequently you are paying your dues to banks for example like due of Credit Cards, dues of your bank’s
personal, home loans.
This frequency of the payment is maintained by only four companies in India they are CIBIL, Experian,
Equifax and Highmark.
This will help the lenders to recognize how trustable you are, how serious you are.
Do You Know your Credit Score?
Check Your Credit Report. How Much You have Spent. Check Now
Have you checked it. If Not Check it Now
Range of Credit Score
As per your usability the range of Credit Score is range from 0 -1000, where as 0 is neutral and 1000 is best.
Generally the score range is from 300 – 900. The 750 credit score is excellent and above this any bank will
passes your Home, personal loans or credit card requests asap.