As everybody knows Indian Railway Recruitment board which is world’s one of the biggest recruiters has now scheduled and opens a vacancy for the post of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistance under its notification Detailed Centralized Employment Notification CEN 03/2018.
We hope you all have filled the form to be safe from last moment rush. Now everybody want to grab this opportunity and must have invested their important time in finding the best books and guides for preparation of RRB Junior Engineer.

Here are some important dates and Books & Guides for the Preparation of Junior Engineer.
Important Dates for the RRB Junior Exam 2018 by Indian Railway
Date of Publication | 29.12.2018 |
Opening of online registration | at 10:00 hrs 02.01.2019 |
Closing of online registration | at 23:59 hrs 31.01.2019 |
Closing of offline payment | at 13:00 hrs 04.02.2019 |
Closing of online payment | at 22:00 hrs 05.02.2019 |
Closing of online submission of application complete in all respects | at 23:59 hrs 07.02.2019 |
1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) | Tentatively scheduled during April/May, 2019 |
Top Selling Books and Guides for RRB Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendant and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant